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Scrambled Reflections



When I was young, you said, “You see… you bother me,”

And to get to you, I said to you, “Then how come I’m a scrambled reflection of you.”

And when I meet a stranger on the street, and he says to me, “You look like someone I’ve seen,”

And I know you would deny it too, but the truth is I’m a scrambled reflection of you.



We’re tied in a knot; we’re tight for our life,

We’re bound by our blood, never broken enough,

At time we don’t realize we’re tied in a bow,

And I mirror you so, it’s a scrambled reflection, I know.



Now we’re old and much more close, and we compliment the assets we hold.

I heard you and I love you too, I strive to be a scrambled reflection of you.

And now I meet a stranger on the street, and he says to me, “you look like someone I’ve seen,”

And I think of you and smile too; then walks away a scrambled reflection of you.



We’re tied in a knot; we’re tight for our life,

We’re bound by our blood, never broken enough,

At time we don’t realize we’re tied in a bow,

And I mirror you so, it’s a scrambled reflection, I know.


It’s a whirl wind we’re livin’ in, and as time flies I realize,

I need you, I hope you need me too, cause I wanna be somewhat like you.



We’re tied in a knot; we’re tight for our life,

We’re bound by our blood, never broken enough,

At time we don’t realize we’re tied in a bow,

And I mirror you so, it’s a scrambled reflection, I know.



We don’t realize we’re tied in a bow,

And I mirror you so, it’s a scrambled reflection, I know.



© 2015

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